What does the Reschen Pass cost?
The road over the Reschen Pass is free of charge all year round. There is no winter closure and no toll. The Reschenpass is therefore very popular with car travellers. In the summer months and autumn there are often long traffic jams in the Vinschgau Valley from Mals to Meran. We recommend an alternative route via the Brenner Pass, the Timmeljoch or travelling by train if there is a lot of traffic.
Vacation in South Tyrol
Bike routes
Discover the cycle paths around Bolzano, Merano, in the Vinschgau and Passeier Valley. South Tyrol offers over 400 km of cycle paths for families and sports enthusiasts.

Vinschgau-Val Venosta: Reschen to Merano
One of the most beautiful and diversified bike paths in the Alpine region.
Etschtal: Merano to Bolzano
The Apple Cycle Path connects Meran and Bozen with almost no incline.
Passeier Valley
The bike path winds its way into the Passeiertal valley on a gentle gravel trail, passing through orchards, vineyards, and a golf course, before continuing through meadows to St. Leonhard.