Bolzano city map

The city map helps to reach sights such as the Piazza Walther or the Cablecar to Ritten, as well as neighbouring places such as Jenesien.

The map is available here as download (~ 490 KB) and is thus always handy on your smartphone - even offline.


The print version of the map can be picked up at the information office in Bolzano.

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Bike routes

Discover the cycle paths around Bolzano, Merano, in the Vinschgau and Passeier Valley. South Tyrol offers over 400 km of cycle paths for families and sports enthusiasts.

Fahrradweg Vinschgau zwischen Kastelbell und Latsch

Vinschgau-Val Venosta: Reschen to Merano

One of the most beautiful and diversified bike paths in the Alpine region.

Fahrradweg in Bozen

Etschtal: Merano to Bolzano

The Apple Cycle Path connects Meran and Bozen with almost no incline.

Radwegbeschilderung im Passeiertal bei Saltaus



Fahrradfahrerin am Etschradweg am Gardasee

Adige Bike Route

The cycle route along the historic Via Claudia Augusta

Via Claudia Augusta Radweg at Naturns in South Tyrol

Via Claudia Augusta

An ancient Roman road that leads from Germany over the Alps to Italy.

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